Friday, September 16, 2005

My friend Steve

has a blog and it is here

Steve's blog

and yes, I posted to it so it gives me something to say:

I congratulate you! The candle making marketers have found your site. I am jealous.

Up to this point My blog has only been graced by those dealing in Russian, Ukranian and Belorussian brides.

From my perspective the undergraduates always get screwed. For the most part Althetic programs, grad school programs are paid for off the backs off the undergrads.

When I graduated from Johns Hopkins in December of 1989 I was told there was no ceremony and that my diploma would be sent to my parents address in June of 1990 when the "official" graduation took place.

I was overseas at the time and wondered why my degree never showed up in Ohio. A few years later I happened to be in Baltimore and with the help of a few people in the admissions office found my diploma in the back of a utility closet with a huge "Return to Sender" stamped across the tube.

Indeed they had attempted to send it to my home address as "6291 South Brinker Avenue". Oddly enough, my home address was 291 South Brinker Avenue where my parents still lived.

For four and a half years they had never made that mistake when it came to sending tuition bills and report cards, yet somehow my diploma had missed the mark.

I have often thought of how much time, money and energy went into getting that degree and yet not one person in the JHU admin could take the time correct the "6291 Brinker Ave" into "291 Brinker Ave"

Needless to say I have not donated one penny to that institution.

Bottom line: From what I know colleges don't give a damn about their undergraduates as long as they foot the bill.

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