Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I signed up for the Jeopardy audition in Indianapolis this morning.

I don't know if I qualify as I last took the test around April 20th and you have to wait a full year to be tested again.

I figured it doesn't hurt to register and if the auditions are too soon and fall before April 20th I'm just out of luck.

Also installed SQL*2005 at work today so I am trying to get that up and running.

We saw Donald Davis at St Luke's Sunday afternoon. It was a good performance. He told a story about "people who tune and people who play."

Sunday, March 05, 2006

new puppy is here

Sabriah is here. She's doing well except for some bouts of diarrhea.

We bought a Scion Xa about two weeks ago after the Saturn broke down.

It's a nice car and I can plug my ITunes Shuffle right into the car and play it over the stereo.

I'm almost done with reading "Annals of the Former World". It's in four parts:

Basin and Range -- done

In Suspect Terrain -- done

Rising from the Plains -- done

Assembling California -- in progress