Monday, February 21, 2005

Some of my favorite films

I've been living in DVD land the past few weeks. My wife took a trip to Israel and had to attend a funeral in Los Angeles leaving me plenty of time to veg in front of the big screen TV. I've watched some old classics such as "Animal House" and "Easy Rider" and even checked out a a copy of "Home Alone" from the local library. My favorite retro-trip was "Midnight Cowboy". This movie rocks. Something about seeing New York City, 42nd street, alienation and good acting appeals to me. I saw the movie on my parents VCR about 10 years ago and it was interesting to see what I had remembered. In one scene, Ratso and Joe Buck are freezing in their decrepit dwelling dancing to the song "Orange Juice, on ice, it's nice..." It really captures the whole idea of being stuck in misery and finding the right tune, the right mood to propel you out of the yuckiness of life....
oh my

I have not made a blog entry since December 22nd 2004

It's been a while, almost two months.

I could have been done with my summer journal of 1978 rebroadcast by now.

My latest project is taking an online writing course at:

It's gone well so far, I've gotten through three sessions and I enjoy what I'm doing.

Otherwise not much has transpired over the past 2 months. We still have the same 3 cats and dog. Sadly, Mary had to go to Los Angeles for a funeral last week. Her cousin Mark, who was only 46 years old died from a viral infection.

Life is fragile, keep writing, keep talking


-- Joel