Thursday, June 22, 2006

I heard this poem mentioned by Robert McNamara in a documentary about him that was done by Errol Morris.

The movie is called
"The Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara "

I think it's a good poem.

The Palace

by Rudyard Kipling

When I was a King and a Mason, a Master Proven and skilled,

I cleared me ground for a Palace, such as a King should build.

I decreed and dug down to my levels; presently, under the silt,

I came on the wreck of a Palace, such as a King had built.

There was no worth in the fashion; there was no wit in the plan;

Hither and thither, aimless, the ruined footings ran.

Masonry, brute, mishandled, but carven on every stone,

"After me cometh a Builder; tell him I, too, have known."

Swift to my use in my trenches, where my well-planned groundworks grew,

I tumbled his quoins and his ashlars, and cut and rest them anew.

Lime I milled of his marbles; burned it, slaked it, and spread;

Taking and leaving at pleasure the gifts of the humble dead.

Yet I despised not nor gloried, yet, as we wrenched them apart,

I read in the razed foundation the heart of that Builder's heart.

As he has risen and pleaded, so did I understand

The form of the dream he had followed in the face of the thing he had planned

When I was a King and a Mason, in the open noon of my pride,

They sent me a Word from the Darkness; they whispered and called me aside.

They said, "The end is forbidden." They said, "Thy use is fulfilled.

Thy Palace shall stand as that other's, the spoil of a King who shall build."

I called my men from my trenches, my quarries, my wharves, and my sheers;

All I had wrought I abandoned to the faith of the faithless years.

Only I cut on the timber; only I carved on the stone:

"After me cometh a Builder; tell him I, too, have known."

XM radio rox, rox, roc

I am enjoying the XM radio

just a few things

Roger McGuinn of the Byrds had a really cool special on XM - 50 the Loft

Also XM - 43 , XMU is INCREDIBLE

Indie rock music, all the time

two songs I will jot down before I forget

U U by Cut Copy . also known as Track 8 according to Amazon
album is called "Bright Like Neon Love"

Also heard today on XMU is

The Clientele "Since Kay Got Over Me"

I can't find these songs on iTunes, what am I to do?

evil lurks nextdoor!

so Mary H next door wishes to pick a fight with me over fallen tree branches in her driveway.

But I will not take the bait.

Last Monday a storm blew through our area. Tree limbs were fell everywhere.

I went outside to clean up the mess and Mary H comes our of her house to read me the riot act.

I haven't heard her voice in over 5 years:

"Those are your branches, they fell from your trees, our trees don't have any dead branches, those are your branches".

She repeats:

"Those are your branches, they fell from your trees, our trees don't have any dead branches, those are your branches".

The woman is psychotic. She's also looking for a good fight. I said nothing to her, nothing.

What a disappointment I must be, I'm no fun to play with, I won't join the battle on her terms.

I just picked up the branches, stuffed them in the trash and walked away.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Four doors down

so soon another post.

The house four doors down sold a few months ago but no one has moved in.

I'm not sure what is going on, someone is mowing the lawn down there but I never see any lights on.

I thought I saw a moving van pull up there a few weeks ago but I could have been wrong.

I'm quite familiar with the property because Rex always takes his poops on the driveway or in the yard right next to the drive. I'm not sure what the attraction is but if he's going to go, he will do his business there.
last update was May 16, 2006

I'm getting behind here. or maybe I don;t have much to say

what has happened in the past month?

# the puppy Sabriah continues to grow and grow, she now gets as much food as Mr Rex.

# Don Tarr and his wife found a puppy out on the street and took him in, his name is Carl.

# Omar and Theresa are getting married a week from Saturday and Mary and I are driving up to Michigan for the wedding.

# I talked to Mark D last night and he and his wife will also be going to the wedding in the Detroit area.

# To stick with the Michigan theme I've been listening to Sufjan Stevens's album "Michigan, the Great Lake State"

# We are going to see my Mom this weekend, I might put the XM radio in the Matrix so we can listen to it on the drive over.

# I am currently reading "Reading Lolita in Teheran", the next book on-deck is "The Genius Factory". I haven't acquired a copy yet but I think it takes precedence over the Truman biography. And the James Adams bio and "Wheels of the World" by Douglas Brinkley.