Tuesday, October 19, 2004

More Empty Houses

The house next door to us still sits empty. There is a bag of phone books out front gathering rain and is there no one there to take them home. I haven't brought my phone books in from the cold either. The whole phone book concept seems outdated nowadays. If I need a number I'll go look it up on the web rather than pull out some 2000 page tome to get a listing that might be out of date.

Also, no one has yet moved into Elizabeth's house down the street. I've seen a red pickup in the driveway at times during the day but I've seen nothing going on there. Also around the corner and across from the park is a house that sits empty. It belong to an older woman who has moved somewhere else but has not bothered to sell her house. There are shrubs out in front that have overgrown and obscure the home. I met her neighbor at a Canterbury Board meeting and he was hoping that she would sell it some time.

Now that hound dog Rex is back I have an opportunity to "patrol" the neighborhood again but haven't talked to anyone lately, just observations on empty houses.

I don't miss the roar of motorcycles from next door but Stuey was a pretty good neighbor although I had perhaps 2 conversations over the four years we lived side by side. I hope to be able to chat a bit more often with whoever moves in next door.

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