Friday, February 17, 2006

Four for Friday

Q1 - Pictures: When was the last time someone took a picture of you, and what were you doing? If you can't remember, then when was the last time you took a picture, and what was it of?

I can't remember my last picture and I don't care too. The last time I took pictures, I was getting my CamCorder up and running and uploading the movie to the PC. It's just 60 seconds of me filming my basement as I sing along to an acoustic version of "405" by Death Cab for Cutie.

Q2 - Vice President Cheney: Texas authorities have already cleared U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney of any wrongdoing over last weekend's incident in which he shot, i.e., “peppered pretty well,” a 73-year-old hunting companion in the face. Do you feel the White House and Mr. Chaney himself have acted appropriately in their handling of the incident?

No comment. I'm a C-Span/political junkie but I like to think of myself as an observer. My Dad had an opinion about everything and would debate any topic to the break of dawn.

Q3 - Real Estate: Do you feel real estate agents' commissions are justified?

Sure why not? If you don't like the commissions go to or just do a plain old FSBO. It's how the agents make their money. It's like asking if you think that food servers tips are justified.

Q4 - Best Friends: Who was your first bestest friend, and, are you still friends with them? If you're not in touch with your first best friend, do you keep in touch with anyone you knew--aside from family--when you were between the ages of five and ten?

Scott Miller in Niagara Falls back in 1973 - 1975. I moved to Ohio in 1975 and only saw him a few times after that. I saw him last in 1983 when I was 16 and found I had little in common with him. I haven't seen him since. No I have not kept in touch with anyone outside of family who I knew before I was 10.

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