Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Saturday June 24, 1978

I woke up today at 10:00 went downstairs and ate. I didn't do much in the morning except play the piano, read the paper and other unimportant things. In the afternoon I ate lunch and then I played a monopoly game which Andrew won of course. That was about his 8th straight victory. I don't know how he does it. We finished the game at 2:30 when I went outside to rake the lawn which Andrew had moved on Thursday and Friday. I got a phone call from Joe after he had gotten back from music camp which he had to practice 6 hours a day. He plays the viola. I then went over to Bobby's and played football for about 10 minutes before he had to leave. Then I played wiffleball with Andrew and Chief. Chief who is alias Topher alias Chris alias Christopher played on my team we beat Andrew 9-5. One time I dropped an easy flyball in the outfield and that was it for me playing the outfield. I did play well the rest of the game. The game was finished at 4:30 and then I decided to watch the Cincinnati Reds game against the Dodgers. The Dodgers were leading 2-1 when I left for the Northrups. Chief, Andrew and I played pool and Video games. We think Chief's set is backwards but he thinks are's is backwards. Then we played Monopoly no one was winning when we ate dinner at 6:30 when we finished dinner we continued the game Andrew won of course. He just had luck. I had luck too. Bad luck that is. Then we looked at Chiefs artificial stars. He sticked them all over his wall. It looked beautiful. The same catalog that sells telescope parts has those too so when I get that catalog I look at that also. He played a very spooky song called Revolution 9 in the dark which is scary to me. I got home and went to bed at 9:45.

Editor's Note

Most of these things I'm writing in here I have no direct recollection of, I was 11 years old at the time. This is the first time I've read these things in over 25 years. I'm sure when I heard that "scary song" called Revolution 9 I knew nothing of the White Album or the Beatles psychidelic phase. Soon the journal will depart the land of endless kickball and monopoly games as I am about to depart on a trip to Switzerland to visit my Dad's family.

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