Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Brian Lamb is a Hoosier and the discovery of Cubehenge

Yesterday before turning to my favorite program, Washington Journal on C-Span I read this article in the Indy Star talking about the founder of C-SPAN the genius that is Brian Lamb. He's a Hoosier, from West Lafayette. The man is the Edward R Murrow of our times helping bring about the incredible media wonder we know as C-Span!

Also it's the time of year when my workplace turns into "Cubehenge". Normally I live in an environment bereft of sunlight. Fortunately, in the few weeks surrounding the winter solstice the sun is low enough in southern sky to send a few beams my way. Around 5 pm on a clear day (not a given around here), I'll see this unfamiliar patch of brightness shining on the Tibetan Buddhist tapestry on the wall of my cube. My goodness, it's the sun!

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