Monday, October 31, 2005

my name is not Reese Kitchens

somehow mail that should go to Reese Kitchens ends up at my house.

I keep living notes for the postman but the problem keeps repeating itself.

I bought the Complete New Yorker for $60 yesterday at Costco. I dug in and printed out a copy of one of John McPhees's articles from 1986 about geology in Wyoming.

pretty cool stuff.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

trains, trains, trains

I went to the Great Train Expo at the Indiana Fairgrounds today.

It was an excellent exhibition. There were lego trains "N" trains, "HO" trains and Lionel trains. I saw tons of books about trains and many accesories as well.

I even found a few Marklin and Fleishmann trains that 2 vendors were carrying. I was looking for more European content at the show because that was the model train stuff I grew up on but still I was very happy with the show.

Marklin and Fleishmann are the two big German vendors in the model train market and we had a Fleishmann set up when I was a kid.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

a few of my favorite pastimes

I'll just list 5.

# riding to Glendale mall on my bike and buying the Economist magazine. Later that night jumping in the garden tub and reading the Economist.

# looking up facts on Wikipedia. What is the population of Franklin County Indiana? When was the Dan Ryan expressway built? Who coined the phrase "the 5th column"

# listening to music on the computer. Has the stereo system become obsolete?

# reading a good book. Unfortunately I have trouble finishing a book once started.

# talking Rex on a walk when the temperature is below 40 and Orion is in the night sky.

ok, I'll add a 6th.

# playing Snood on the computer and listening to "Everybody's got to learn sometime" by the Korgis. ... it will astound you.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

went to lunch today.

Grabbed 3 bialys and some cream cheese from the Bagel Store in Nora Plaza.

Went back to 91st and the Monon Parking lot to munch them down and monitor the AM radio airwaves.

I saw a big city crew pull up with a chipper, tree trimming equipment and about 6 men.

I couldn't figure out what they were doing until I came back from my walk and saw them clear all the brush around the north side of 91st street. I also saw bunches of flowers and plants at various points around the intersection. I rembered the fatal accident there about 2 weeks ago when I woman going down the trail at night fell of her bike and was hit by a car.

The city was clearing that part of the trail to improve visibility out to 91st street.

It was a bit odd to see the workers and figure out about 20 minutes later what they were doing.

Listening to "Death Cab for Cutie" on my Itunes now. these guys rock

I'd never have heard of them were it not for my downloading of soundtracks from Itunes and venturing out and getting other material by the group.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

comment left on a blog

I for one will be looking forward to "eastern style" DST.

I'm looking forward to many pleasant bike rides and dog walks next spring past 8pm.

I think it's ridiculous to get off work in September at a reasonable hour and come home to darkness.

I'm also tired of having to adjust data synchs and processes twice a year because for 6 months are on the same time as a production servers and for another 6 months we are behind. Just when I get used to being a hour behind we go through another adjustment.

I won't try to tag an actual dollar amount to the inconvenience of not having DST but it makes a difference. The way people outside of Indiana view our quirky ways is a perception but perception is reality and reality fuels business decisions.

As Henry Ford once said:

"Businessmen go down with their businesses because they like the old way so well they cannot bring themselves to change. One sees them all about - men who do not know that yesterday is past, and who woke up this morning with last year's ideas."
