Monday, August 15, 2005



two cups of weak coffee (1/4th caffeinated 3/4th decaf)


two diet cokes

I went through my 7th grade yearbook and tried to look some people up that I knew.

I assume most of the girls got married and changed names and people like "Tim Taylor" are pretty hard to track down; too many matches

however some of the ethnic names yielded results. not many people in central Ohio have Polish surnames so I did find a few.

no, I didn't call anybody up.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

coffee update


one small coffee from the Gevalia machine at work

2 Diet cokes (12 oz each)


20 oz Diet Coke split into two "feedings" {12 oz around 9 AM, 8 oz at 1 pm)

Friday, August 12, 2005

the great caffeine chill-out?

trying to reduce the amount of caffeine I take in.

i waited until 9 am to have my first cup of coffee today.

i will try to reduce my consumption over the weekend.

it's nice to have a standard measure to go against. when I'm at home it's hard to gauge how strong the coffee is due to the different blends we have.

thus I might switch to 12oz measures of Diet Coke to better gauge my detoxification efforts.

Friday, August 05, 2005

need to get motivated

I'm planning on one day finishing my short story "Days of Grease and Angst" but before it is finished I have to finish it.

I'm planning on posting it out here (but only when it is finished):

Critique Circle

Also on the to do list:

C-Span essay contest:

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