Thursday, July 28, 2005

Wrap the Shuttle in Duct Tape!

I was listening to this morning's Washington Journal program over the Internet tonight. It only took 20 minutes to get to the "call of the day". The topic of discussion was the space shuttle and what to do with it.

A caller from Millersville, MD suggested a fix:

"... once they spray or paint or whatever they do to that foam, wrap that entire tank in duct tape, that holds a lot of things, that's just might hold that foam in place."

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Will you miss me when I'm gone?

Sometimes I'm just drawn to a book by the title.

I saw this book at my Mom's apartment when I was visting for the 4th of July and started it reading it.

Will you miss me when I'm gone

I had not even heard of the Original Carter Family though I knew of June Carter Cash.

I read the book which led to another I-Tunes purchase.

Carter Family RCA Legends

Usually you listen to some music then you read about the group. Here I did the opposite.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Once again, on the IndyScribe tip

Here's a comment I posted to a recent submission

I guess I'm a "reacter" or is it "reactor"

I can't do anything until I see something I have to respond to.

If only I could get this strategy to get me to finish my short story.

Indy Scribe

"I know the wall well. It's not that far from my house.

One of my favorite quotes was "Don't Fall, Prey."

The College Ave "mini-riot" you refer to occurred duing the summer of '95. I remember the date because it was the same year a disturbance broke out at Deer Creek when deadheads stormed the fences at the concert facility when they couldn't get tickets. Jerry Garcia died about a month later.

The whole deal was weird. The Spring before the riot, I remember reading about the agressive tactics of the Indianapolis Police Department in the New York Times. Not a word of this program was mentioned in the Star. Once the disturbance happened the intense police presence was brought to light here locally.

so much for zero tolerance policies..."

Friday, July 08, 2005

i read it on Indy scribe

Carmel, a city on the Schmooze

here were my comments

I laughed, I cried. The article was one of the funniest pieces I've read on the Internet in some time.

Does Carmel have a slogan. Downtown Indy's has to be one of the worst "Amazingly Always New". What does that mean anyway? Is the downtown area torn down every night and re-built before sunrise the next day?

Actually I'd rather have a downtown that's "Modestly Sometimes Old". Isn't that part of the attraction of going downtown? To see something historic, buildings that have withstood the test of time.

Also, what is Indy's "Wholesale District"? Are they planning to put in a Sam's Club or Costco down there. I've been downtown many times since the mall opened and yet I've never engaged in any "wholesaling" whilst in the "Wholesale District". How does one participate in said activity?

I wonder how much was paid to whatever marketing/PR firm that came up with "Amazingly Always New"?